
A photo of me

Howdy, I'm John. I'm an online creator who tries to produce more than I consume. You can get to know my voice through my sporadic blog posts, monthly newsletter, or following my breadcrumbs on Twitter. I'm currently working in product at Houzz.

In my free time I focus on Learn With Jabe, a YouTube channel teaching beginners how to code. You'll find fun weekend projects focused on Python, SQL, GPT3, Web APIs, NBA Data, No Code Tools and more. I am a firm believer that the best way to learn is to teach.

I have a friends and family newsletter where I write about why I’m liking certain tweets on Twitter. It’s called Jabes Twitter Musings and if you’re interested to learn more you can get a taste here.

You can either follow me on Twitter or better yet, my bot which retweets all of my likes. I’ve been learning to code over the years and you can check in on my progress on Github where I share my repositories for others to build on.

Site template by @brian_lovin.

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